Sometimes life is messy. Especially if you live with one husband and two teenaged boys. Sometimes the mess belongs to them and sometimes the mess belongs to me. The piles of shoes, books and laundry that inhabit my days are a reminder that life is not about perfection. These are the things I think about. Pardon the mess.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Who says teenagers don't love their Mama's? Every morning at 8:00 my youngest and I meet on the bottom step and wait for the bus.  This has been our habit since he was about 10 years old. Now that he is 15 (can that possibly be true?) he doesn't need me to wait with him but I still do. It is comfortable. It is calming. It has become a necessary part of our day. Sometimes we talk. Sometimes we don't. It's all ok. It is a daily reminder of how important we are to one another. It simply makes us happy.


kayla said...


Unknown said...

Thank you for inviting me to your stairs to take a peek from behind. What a lovely picture you paint with your words.
I love looking into PattiClay's day. Keep writing! I subscribed.
Isn't blogging wonderful? From the inside looking out and the outside looking in. :) From one Gladys Cravitz to another...I'll Keep PEEKING! ;)

Paper Patti said...

Thanks Margie! We will Gladys Cravitz each other to death!

Caron said...

LOVE the photo! Keep blogging... It will keep me connected to you from so many miles away!!!! Miss you much!